Custom Record Form

This section describes about its Overview and Configuration.


On record pages, in order to display view/edit forms, it is recommended to use Custom Dynamic Form instead of Custom Record Form.


The main purpose of the Custom Record Form component is to provide the user with the ability to view or edit the values of the text fields (Short, Long, Rich etc.) example, objectives, descriptions, comments etc.

Custom Record From component contains the embedded Sub-Panel component.

The Custom Record Form component consists of:

Element Description Is Configurable


Displays the icon configured in Icon DA Y


Displays component Title Y


Displays component Sub-Title. This information is supposed to be ancillary to the Title information that has prominence on the record page Y

Edit button

Is controlled by GWP permissions Y

Guidance Text area

Typically to be used when instructions are needed mid-page and outside the context of a particular component. Y

Fields area

Additional information from the record. Rich text area. Y
Collapsible mode The component can render as an accordion with a clickable title. Y
Read-Only mode Disables Edit button regardless of GWP permissions. Y
Required fields Sub-set of fields that is marked as required in addition to required on the object level fields Y
Read-only fields Sub-set of fields that marked as read-only Y
Highlighted changes Displays the changes that differ from state if ChangeRequestData DA is not empty Y

UX Configuration Guidance

The main purpose of the Custom Record Form component is to provide the user with the ability to view or edit the values of the text fields (Short, Long, Rich etc.) e.g. objectives, descriptions, comments etc.

Custom Record From component contains the embedded Sub-Panel component.

The following outlines the different possible configuration for this component:


The preferred number of lines for the subtitle is two (2). Whereas the preferred for the additional info is eight (8), including the title.

This provides an easy understanding from the user and also avoids excessive scrolling.


The maximum number of lines for the subtitle is four (4). Whereas the maximum for the additional info is eleven (11), including the title.

Any number beyond these limits can provoke the problems previously described above.

Component Reference

Custom Record Form component is configured by design attributes:

Label Description Comment
Title Single field API name or custom label api name Accepts plain text, Custom Label API Name or field API Name.
Sub-Title Single field API name or custom label api name Accepts plain text, Custom Label API Name or field API Name.
Icon SLDS/Apollo icon name For the SLDS icons, the admin must specify the category of the icon and the icon name using the following pattern: category: icon_name (example,standard:goals).
Guidance text Custom label API name or string text Accepts plain text or Custom Label API.
Field List A comma- separated list of field API names

Accepts API names of the fields.


Spanning fields are not supported (example, SomeLookup__r.ParentField__c).

Fields must be included in the object page layout to show up on the component.

Column amount Number of columns for the input forms


  • 1 column

  • 2 column

Target Record

Single field API name or custom label API name

APIname of the Lookup field pointing to a record which is used to display the Field List above (default: current record). Spanning fields are supported( example, SomeLookup__r.ParentField__c).
Read-Only Сheckbox  Disables Edit button regardless of GWP permissions.
Collapsible  Сheckbox The component can render as an accordion with a clickable title.
Read-Only Field List A comma-separated list of field API names that can be displayed as read-only Accepts API names of the fields.
Required Field List A comma-separated list of field API names that can be required displayed Accepts API names of the fields.
Change Request Data Requested changes Accepts DTO with the changes returned from the form for further processing
Read-Only Field List A comma-separated list of field API names that can be displayed as read-only Accepts API names of the fields.

Configuration Checklist

Drop the component to any record page

Configure Design Attributes

Save the changes

Configuration Steps

  1. Go to Setup → Object Manager → select required object → Lightning Record Pages → select required page → open it in edit mode.

  2. Drop Custom Record Form component to the page section and configure design attributes.

  3. Save the changes.

Base Configuration




  • BPC_Agreement_Action_ChangeRequest

  • BPC_Agreement_Action_ChangeRequestManualExecute

  • BPC_Agreement_RelatedList_ChangeRequest_Subflow_CreateProduct

  • BPC_Meeting_Action_ChangeRequest

  • BPC_Meeting_Action_ManageEngagementDetails_CS_ES

  • BPC_Meeting_Action_ManageMeetingDetails

  • BPC_MeetingMemberExpert_MGDE_ChangeRequest_Subflow_ExpertDetails

  • BPC_Plan_Action_ChangeRequest